Living This Life Fully
Yoga and Buddhism have made their way around the planet, taking on the qualities and traits of each culture where they have landed. Mirka Knaster has done an beautiful job of bringing the teachings of one of the most important guides in the west through her book, Living This Life Fully: Stories and Teachings of Munindra. Munindra greatly influenced the foremost Buddhist teachers in the west.
Living This Life Fully is organized into sixteen chapters, each one focusing on a quality essential for awakening. It is based on interviews with Munindra before his death in 2003, some of his early dharma talks, interviews with almost 200 people around the world who shared poignant and humorous remembrances, and other materials.
You can read excerpts here and read more about Mirka's work here.
Proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to establish a scholarship fund at Barre Center for Buddhist Studies in memory of Munindra.