Interview with Noah Lampert of the Synchronicity podcast: "Jonathan Foust: The Magic of Pain" (60 minutes)
NPR (National Public Radio) Interview from the Diane Rehm Show on “The Power of Meditation” (60 minutes)
Interview with the Focusing Institute: "Jonathan Foust: Focusing and Mindfulness" (30 minutes)
Interview from the “Finding True Refuge” series (5 minutes)
Interview with Kirsten Powers: Finding Inner Calm No Matter What the Circumstances (46 minutes)
How Take Responsibility for Your Own Awakening An interview with Marije Paternotte of Studio B (6o Minutes)
Yoga Journal: Would You Consider Trying Psychedelics to Take Your Practice to Another Level? (Contributing interview)
Psychotherapy Networker: Therapy’s Psychedelic Renaissance: A Different Kind of Healing (Contributing interview)
by Jonathan
Slow Hands (Yoga Journal) Sometimes the fastest way to speed things up is to slow down.
Wave Rider (Yoga Journal) Learn to surf your emotional seas and you’ll never be thrown off balance.
To Scratch or Not to Scratch (IMCW) Here’s the quandary: You’re in the middle of a what you hope will be a long meditation. About ten minutes in you feel an itch appearing on your nose ….
Working with Desire (IMCW) Buddhist psychology speaks to cultivating healthy desires, minimizing unhealthy desires and ultimately going beyond desire….
about Jonathan
How to Pack Mindfully (National Geographic) Featuring me and my obsession for minimal (one bag only) travel.
The Art of Mindful Photography (National Geographic) Featuring me and my obsession for mindfulness and photography.
Overachieving Student Hear a New Message: Lighten Up (Washington Post) Featuring a class I led at one of the top high schools in the area to help overachieving kids slow down.
Job a Mind-Set with Meditation (Seattle Times) Referencing a series of meditation classes I taught at the World Bank.