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Cancelled: The Still, Small Voice Within Retreat at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health

Cancelled: The Still, Small Voice Within:  Meditation, Focusing and Intuition Training

Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
July 26 - 31

Jonathan Foust


For all levels.

Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” To climb out of any rut, resolve problems, or sense your path from a new perspective, you must shift your awareness. This retreat is designed to immerse you in practices that generate such a shift.

Vipassana (insight meditation) teaches you to pause and recognize what is present, allowing you to see with increasing clarity into the nature of things. Focusing trains the mind to investigate what arises from the field of direct sensation, offering access to wisdom and compassion. Combined, these two techniques generate a unique in-depth experience of an awakened heart and mind.

Through practice, talks, presentations, exercises, and discussion, you dive into self-inquiry and develop skills for the rest of your life.

Recommended listening Jonathan Foust, Body-Centered Inquiry: Meditation Training to Awaken Your Inner Guidance, Vitality and Loving Heart CD set.

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