I offer my talks and guided meditations freely through iTunes, online streaming and a few via dharmaseed and the IMCW site.
itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jonathan-foust/id455422434?uo=4
online streaming: http://jonathanfoust.libsyn.com/webpage
dharmaseed: http://dharmaseed.org/teacher/234/
IMCW site: http://imcw.org/Teachers/TeacherDetail/TeacherID/2
When I uploaded my most recent talk I noticed we’re past 300,000 downloads.
About 20 years ago I contacted Bo Lozoff, the Founder of the Ashram Prison Project and author of “We’re All Doing Time” http://www.amazon.com/Were-All-Doing-Time-Getting/dp/0961444401 to speak at a conference I was hosting.
“I’ll do it,” he said, “but only with dana.”
“Donna?” I thought to myself. “Well heck, bring her along!”
Luckily, I didn’t say that and he went on to talk about dana as the Buddha’s teaching on generosity. The teachings and practices are priceless, so they must be offered freely. No one should be denied access.
Generosity is one of the most important tenets. In fact, the Buddha said, “If you knew what I know about generosity, you would never hesitate to share."
The same way the teachings are offered feeling, generosity is encouraged among all to help support the teacher and furthering the work.
I knew I wanted to teach in this format and when I moved down to DC, I had my opportunity.
The Monday Night Class in Arlington is offered by donation, is open to all and thanks to the generosity of our group, the church receives some support for hosting us as does IMCW, the parent organization under which I teach.
Donations allow me to keep doing what I’m doing and to post my talks via a host and from there, on to iTunes.
I get amazing and heartening emails from people around the planet who listen to the talks and the meditations. As well, some folks make donations through PayPal that help underwrite the expenses.
I love the fact that no one is ever denied access to these teachings and practices and I’m honored, touched and inspired to receive support and encouragement in doing what I love.
If you’re inspired to offer a testimonial or rating on iTunes, that would be welcome ... and thank you for your support.
itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/jonathan-foust/id455422434?uo=4