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Every great spiritual tradition speaks of the power of pausing.
I'm just back from a silent unstructured retreat at the Forest Refuge in Barre, MA. It was hard to break away from all my projects and commitments. To be honest, I didn't really want to go though it had been on my calendar since the day after the same retreat I did one year ago.
I'm glad I went.
I'm reminded again of how fast this life goes by, how precious it is to slow down and celebrate the rising of the sun, the gift of a warm cup of tea and the silence that can make it feel like a celebration.
The dining room at the Forest Refuge. Space and Silence.
Upcoming Events
February 3:
YLM Evening Session Learn More
February 6:
YLM7 Weekend Retreat Learn More
February 8:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
February 15:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
February 19:
300-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training: Guiding Meditation for Transformational Yoga Learn More
February 22:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington, Guest Speaker Learn More
February 29:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
March 05:
YLM8 Opening Weekend Retreat Learn More
Your Year Ahead. What's Most Important?
One thing I always take away from a retreat? Remembering what I really want. Along with health and love and feeling like I'm contributing to others, I want to know what transcends the ups and downs of life. I want to know what it means to be awake. That inquiry comes down to a few things: * Intention * Sustained practice * Like-minded community That's what the Year of Living Mindfully is all about. If you live in the DC area and are drawn to both deepening and sustaining your practice in the context of a small and dedicated community, do check out these links. A short article by Catie Whelan, founder of "The Lightening Notes," on her YLM experience. Applications are due February 15th. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Images from Last Month
January started off cold and grey. If you look closely you can see a huge murmuration of grackles beyond the Bald Eagle in the tree.
With grey water reflecting grey skies, Canada Geese seem to be floating in space.
My room at the Inn. "Everything You Need and Nothing More."
Sunrise through an icicle at the Forest Refuge.
Frozen water droplet on the end of an icicle.
Short Guided Video Meditation: The Mystery
I shot these images when I was on retreat at the Forest Refuge. With the milder weather in central Massachussets, icicles on the cliffs melted during the day and froze again at night. I was able to visit them in both morning light when they were hardened and the afternoon light, when they were softening.
Four Things I Learned on My Retreat
Meditation teacher Loch Kelly offers this question: "What is there if there is no problem to be solved?" Take a moment and try that on. That inquiry is the foundation for my practice these days and dramatically informed my silent retreat at the Forest Refuge. Quite often when I start a meditation practice there is a sense that I'm trying to get somewhere or make some change. This question helps me remember who I am and what I seek is already here. To listen to my talk, "Four Things I Learned on My Retreat," see the video below. If you're interested in the topic of inquiry you might enjoy these recent talks: One Question Can Change Your Life More Questions That Can Change Your Life
Latest from the Blog
Four Things I Learned on My Retreat
Finally the Sun
Coming Home: The Portal of Self-Compassion (Retreat Talk)
Meditation: Embodied Space, Gratitude, Appreciation and Love (Retreat Meditation)
More Questions That Can Change Your Life
One Question Can Change Your Life
Tiny Boxes
Pause and Still Move
Happy New Year! Greetings from Jonathan Foust: Announcing the 2016 Year of Living Mindfully, Year-End Review, What You REALLY Want and More
Seeking Persons with a Regular Meditation Practice to Participate in a Research Study
If you have interest and meet their criteria, I highly recommend this experience. If you qualify, you will be supported by deeply caring and wise team of professionals. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University are seeking individuals with a regular long-term meditation practice to participate in a research study looking at the combined effects of meditation and psilocybin, a psychoactive substance found in sacramental mushrooms of some cultures. The study will investigate psychological and brain processes underlying such effects. Volunteers must be between the ages of 25 and 80, have no personal or familial history of severe psychiatric illnesses, or recent history of alcoholism or drug abuse. To discuss the possibility of volunteering or to learn more: phone: 410-550-2253 or email: website: Confidentiality will be maintained for all applicants and participants. Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., Principal Investigator Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine IRB approved application NA_00054696
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