Quaker services are all about the moment. We meet in silence and members speak when they feel moved.
We held a memorial service for my father at our summer Meetinghouse in Maidencreek, Pennsylvania this last weekend. It’s a one-room unheated, simple stone building surrounded by trees.
Gathered in the comfortable silence generated by Friends, I shared the awe and inspiration I felt from my father, so beloved by many. He managed to turn the trauma of being in the tenches in WWII into a personal inquiry into creating both inner and outer peace.
An earlier post on his life here: http://jonathanfoust.com/letting-go/
Here’s a slide show commemorating him: http://youtu.be/GsLF0nwDo0g
No altar, no icons. One simple room dedicated to being present.
Preparing to bury my parents’ ashes
iTunes podcast here, online listening here, stitcher here, and Jonathan’s YouTube channel here.