I used to live here.
I am here in western Massachusetts for 10 days co-leading "Guiding Meditation and Advanced Asana" as part of a 500 hour professional yoga teacher training program.
It's been as low as -9 at night and not much higher during the day.
I lived here for about 20 years and I am wondering now how I managed to do that.
Not only that, but for many of those years I had a dog, which required being out twice a day. I remember now the layers upon layers I wore every day and how, when it warm up to 25° I would want to take off my clothes and lay outside to bask in the warmth.
The external cold contrasts with the warmth inside. This has been a wonderful training and retreat, filled with sincere and dedicated practitioners, healers and teachers who are making a difference in the world.
But when I step outside at night it's so cold the only logical response is to laugh out loud.
Looking out over the Stockbridge Bowl.
iTunes podcast here, online listening here, stitcher here, and Jonathan’s YouTube channel here.