Outdoor Service

Dharma brother John Sykes forwarded me this invitation if you'd like to get outside and do some wholesome service:

Potomac Gorge Invasive  Removal & Hike

Activity:  Conservation Subcategory: Hiking Status: OPEN

Invasive Species Removal with The Nature  Conservancy, Bethesda,  MD. Join us along  the C & O canal to help The Nature Conservancy remove an  invasive species, English ivy, which is damaging native trees. After  lunch, a leisurely 5-7 mile walk along the towpath. Dinner after for  those that care to partake at Listrani's on MacArthur Blvd. Details  and directions to those registered ten days before the  event.

Date(s): March 13,  2010 (Sat) Location: Bethesda,   Maryland, Capital Area  (DC),  MD MD Trip  Difficulty: Easy: flat <http://www.outdoors.org/recreation/difficulty-ratings.cfm> Sponsoring  Chapter: Washington  DC Registrar: Mary Ann Ray 6783 Thorneton  Road , Easton ,  MD  21601 410-745-6852 (best time to call: After  7:00pm) user = "conservation"; site = "amc-dc.org"; document.write(''); document.write(user + '@' + site);  conservation@amc-dc.org<mailto:conservation@amc-dc.org> Leader: Mary Ann Ray 410-745-6852 (best time to call: After  7:00pm) user = "conservation"; site = "amc-dc.org"; document.write(''); document.write(user + '@' + site);  conservation@amc-dc.org<mailto:conservation@amc-dc.org> Co-Leader: Paul Ray 410-745-6852 (best time to call: After  7:00pm) user = "pray"; site = "dmv.com"; document.write(''); document.write(user + '@' + site);  pray@dmv.com <mailto:pray@dmv.com> Registration is  required for this trip. See contact  above.