I'm away from weekly talks for a month or so, but thought I'd share this one from the IMCW Spring Retreat. It's a somewhat hazy memory, but I felt pretty good about it afterward.
As it's a retreat talk, I may be using some Buddhist terminology that should be pretty self-evident and there will be mini-meditations embedded in the talk.
Weekly classes start again in September. I'll be anchoring the class in Arlington and only occasionally coming to Capitol Hill.
Stay tuned for a second class in Arlington.
We'll be offering something for those who'd like more time practicing and more time for questions and discussion.
Here's the blurb:
While I'm on summer hiatus I thought I'd share a talk from the Spring IMCW Retreat.
Life seems to be a dance of stimulus and response.
The gap between what happens and how you react to it is precious. It is the difference between endless predicitable reactivity and the realm of new possibilities.
As a 'contemplative artist you have multiple strategies as to how you bring your attention to that space.
iTunes podcast here, online streaming here, Stitcher here