I’m just back after a week at the Forest Refuge in Barre, MA.
Among a week of perfect silence and a supportive environment, one of my most favorite things about the Forest Refuge has been long walks deep in the New England woods.
Fat chance this time.
A full two foot base grew and grew with snow almost every day. One morning I went out just to say I was out in -27 degree windchill.
Take away something and something else opens up. The lack of nature adventures forced me to slow down and 'make friends' with my over-eager mind. It took days of watching a deep inner restlessness that I finally recognized as fear.
Fear become my inquiry and much grew out of that willingness to sit with angst.
I’ll be sharing some of this in my dharma talk, along with some images I captured in my nordic wanderings.
iTunes podcast here, online listening here, stitcher here, and Jonathan’s YouTube channel here.