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Spring is sort of here in Northern Virginia. The geese are pairing off on the islands on the Potomac and are now extra-vigilant when I paddle by.
Mom and Dad hanging by the nest. (Young Virginia Bluebells in the background.)
The Blue Bells, Trillium and Bloodroot are emerging and despite the calamities and cacophony blaring in the media, life continues on.
May you find peace in the midst of all that changes.
Upcoming Events
April 2:
YLM8 Daylong Retreat Learn More
April 4:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
April 8:
Weekend Meditation Retreat at Bowdoin College Learn More
April 11:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
April 13:
YLM8 Evening Session Learn More
April 18:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
April 25:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
April 30:
Daylong Retreat Learn More
May 2:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
More on the Path
I continue to make my way through a series on The Eightfold Path, the guidelines for cultivating greater wisdom and compassion in your life as outlined by the Buddha. Since last month's newsletter I've covered a few more topics: The Path: Wise and Skillful Speech You'll learn why not to use auto-correct on your phone, the impact and criteria for wise speech, questions you can ask yourself before speaking, a powerful communication model and what's possible when you pay attention to the relationship between your mind and what you say out loud. The Path: Ethical Actions You'll learn how you can use five precepts (guidelines) to deepen your life experience in a personal and nuanced approach rather than viewing them them through the lens of "Thou shalt not...". The Path: Ethical Livelihood You'll learn how Johnny Paycheck's classic country song "Take This Job and Shove It" ties into Buddhist psychology. You'll learn the importance of finding a form of livelihood that truly resonates for you, a model for changing your relationship to work and what can happen when you substitute the word 'work' with the word 'service.'
Fresh Photos
This was a month of contrasts with both snow and record-setting temperatures as well as a retreat in warmer waters.
Our pup keeps tabs on our local fox den in early March.
Gulls come up river in early Spring to harvest the first hatching larvae.
A break in the Grey. Spring sunrise on the Potomac.
Geese on the move at sunrise.
A tropical sunrise on St. John's.
Underwater Namaste.
For every great shot I end up with a good number of these.
The Clean Living Series
I'm doing an interview with Christine Waltermyer on meditation and intuition.
Christine is a buddy from my ashram days. She is an author, chef and wellness coach with a heart of gold.
She's offering a free series exploring meditation, food and nutrition, stress management and health.
Click here to register if you'd like to listen to this free series.
A Daylong Retreat on Saturday, April 30th
Exploring the Questions that Can Transform Your Life : The Inquiry Intensive
Saturday, April 30th, The Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington
Arlington, VA
"What is the most important question in your life right now? Discover that, and your journey begins."
The right questions can help you change your perspective, make important decisions, solve problems and most importantly, point your attention toward your true nature.
In this highly experiential and interactive retreat, you'll learn:
* How to use intuitive inquiry as a tool for transformation
* Meditation techniques for calming and clear-seeing
* How to use writing as a tool for insight
* Mindful movement flows and guided relaxations that help shift your brainwave states
Click here for more information and to register online
Latest from the Blog
The Path: Ethical Livelihood
Below All Silent
No Cloud No Me
The Path: Wise and Skillful Speech
You Fly
Greetings from Jonathan Foust: The Path, The Energy Intensive, A Guided Video Meditation: "The Stream" and More
Could You Give Me Some Feedback on my Talks?
I'm coming up on 500,000 downloads of my dharma talks and meditations. Thank you for your support! A big thank you to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington for sponsoring our Monday Night class. What started with 15 people in the basement has grown into a thriving scene with an optional hour-long sit and yoga class before beforehand and fresh-baked cookies afterward. Would you be willing to give me a little feedback via this survey? It should just take a minute or two. Please click this link. Thank you!
To receive a monthly newsletter,
please signup here.
iTunes podcast here, online listening here, stitcher here, and Jonathan’s YouTube channel here.