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As I wrote this at Kripalu Center in the Berkshire Mountains of western Massachussets where I was leading a teacher training, I was looking out on grassy fields while Washington DC braced for a snowstorm.
As one climate expert put it, "We shouldn't have called it 'Global Warming.' We should have called it 'Global Weirding.'"
Whatever weirdness you are experiencing, I hope this finds you well.
Graduation Day at Kripalu Center.
Upcoming Events
March 5:
YLM8 Opening Weekend Retreat Learn More
March 7:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
March 9:
YLM8 Evening Session Learn More
March 14:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
March 21:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
March 24:
Energy Intensive: Meditation, Yoga and Breath Work at Kripalu Center Learn More
March 28:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
April 2:
YLM8 Daylong Retreat Learn More
April 4:
Evening Class at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington Learn More
The Path
It's been said that a great teaching can be grasped by a child as well as hold great nuance and depth. The result of the Buddha's life-long quest was the realization of four insights: 1. The fact of suffering 2. The cause of suffering 3. The end of suffering 4. The path that leads to the end of suffering That word 'suffering' can also be translated as "unsatisfactoriness," "unsteadiness" or "stress." Whenever and wherever you have a complaint, there is a cause for it. Wherever there is a cause, there is a remedy. I'm launching into an eight-week series on 'The Eightfold Path,' the means by which you can not only lessen your stress, unsatisfactoriness and suffering, but according to these teachings, truly unleash your capacity for happiness, freedom and joy. Two of the talks are already in the can (click the links below): #1 The Path: Skillful Vision: It's important to check out a map of the journey before you begin. When you look closely at the terrain and listen to others who've gone before you, you can avoid dead ends and follow the most efficient route. #2 The Path: Skillful Intention: Your intention determines your destiny. Along with goals, which are measurable and require effort, intention is about the quality of the journey.
Images from Last Month
Junco Butt
Morning Dove
House Finch
Goldfinch and Two House Finches
Tufted Titmouse
Truck Stop Meditator
Guided Video Meditation: "The Stream" (two minutes)
This last month I was with a phenomenal group of yoga teachers exploring the art of teaching meditation. We spent a few hours exploring along "Shadowbrook," the stream that runs through the Kripalu grounds. This two-minute meditation explore the fundamentals of the Kripalu approach to being with the stream of sensations, thoughtforms and states as they pass through. Breathing, Relaxing and Feeling open you to what is here and changing. Watching and Allowing turn your attention to spaciousness and presence. Apologies for a few of the shaky shots. It was cold!
The Energy Intensive at Kripalu Center
March 24-27
If you feel drawn to three-day program designed to dramatically blow off stress and tension while cultivating greater insight and calm, you might enjoy the Energy Intensive at Kripalu Center.
Shobhan Richard Faulds and I have been leading this program for about 15 years. It's based on cultivating and balancing both prana (energy) and chitta (awareness) using both classical and some rather radical techniques.
You can learn more here.
Latest from the Blog
The Path: Skillful Intention
Innocence Inside
The Retreat Begins
20-Minute Guided Meditation
Depressing Haiku for the Day
The Path: Skillful Vision
Greetings from Jonathan Foust: Your Year Ahead, What’s Most Important?, A Guided Video Meditation and More
Join Me for a Conversation with Christine Waltermyer
I've been hyper-focused on healthy living for decades and am always looking for the 'best practices.' If you're on the lookout for what experts have to share on health, you might like to check out this offering.
I've known Christine from back in my days at Kripalu Center. I will be joining her for a conversation about mindfulness and how to tune into the wisdom of your body to access your intuition. You're welcome to join in.
Christine is a Professional Chef, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Author of The Natural Vegan Kitchen and a radiant person.
Her vision is to ask experts to share their best tips to recharge the mind, body and soul.
This offering is free and you can sign up here to claim your spot.
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iTunes podcast here, online listening here, stitcher here, and Jonathan’s YouTube channel here.